Weeds in Wisconsin - Identifying Them and Why They Grow

Battling weeds is as much a part of summer in Wisconsin as cookouts and concerts. Now is the time to start planning your attack against these common invaders.

In order to help form an effective weed eradication and prevention plan, it is helpful to identify the type of lawn weed (or weeds) that are currently detracting from your lawn and the factors that influence their growth.

Some common weeds in Southeastern Wisconsin include: dandelion, creeping Charlie, crabgrass, thistle, white clover, violets, and black medic.

Various environmental factors can influence which weeds will flourish in different areas. Examples of these factors include:

  1. Seasonal weather conditions: A wet summer can encourage the growth of white clover, while crabgrass can withstand drought and possibly even thrive in it.

  2. Soil composition: soils with low levels of nitrogen encourage some weeds, such as white clover and black medic, to grow.

  3. Disturbed, vacant, or unmaintained sites will encourage the growth of weeds like thistle.

  4. Weed seeds from neighboring properties can easily travel to your property.

  5. Some weeds, like dandelion, will grow almost anywhere, in any condition.

  6. Weeds can occur naturally in all soils and can persist for 30 or more years!

Identifying what type of weed(s) you are contending with and what kind of conditions they are growing in helps when working with your lawn care provider to establish a plan of attack for eliminating them. If you have questions about weed control, be sure to consult with a professional so that you don't end up spending time and money with disappointing results.


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