Why You Should Consider Core Aeration And Overseeding This Fall

Chances are that you spent time a good amount of time at home (didn't we all?) this summer from May through August and your lawn absorbed plenty of wear and tear.

Core aeration and fall seeding are fundamental lawn care activities that can really help restore your yard and get it ready for the busy, warm seasons next year in 2021.

What is core aeration?

The process of core aeration creates holes down into the soil by extracting "plugs" of soil out of the turf panel to allow air, water and nutrients to reach grass roots. It loosens soil, reduces compaction and enhances seed germination.

Aeration is good for your lawn because it allows for seeds to germinate more easily in aerator holes.

Another factor in lawn damage is compaction. Your lawn can become compacted easier than you think.

Vehicles or small equipment driven on lawns and even entertainment, pets and children playing can cause soil compaction. By definition, compaction refers to increasing the density of the soil when it is compressed. 

Villani Landshapers Lawncare Manager Justin Kolvenbach says "I work with our lawn care clients all throughout the year and the question of service options in the fall comes up regularly. There are several things that you can do to help reduce compaction, among them core aeration. It really does give your lawn new life."

The weather from September through October in Wisconsin typically calls for mild days and cooler nights. With moisture in the ground this creates an ideal environment for growing grass seed.

So what's the process for overseeding?

Overseeing involves spreading grass seed over an existing lawn to help add depth and density to the space. There are approximately eight weeks during the fall in southeastern Wisconsin (between late September and November) when lawns typically take seed and start germinating ahead of the coming winter.

Villani Landshapers offers core aeration, overseeding, and other fall season services. For more information about lawn care options all year round, give us a call at 262-252-4541 and check us out online at villaniland.wpengine.com.

We look forward to hearing from you this fall!


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